August 17 – September 28, 2014
The Jay Gates Collection: ART OF CHINA AND JAPAN

Minagawa Kien (Japanese, 1734–1807), “Bamboo,” Hanging scroll; ink on paper; Courtesy of Jay Gates, Class of 1968
Burton D. Morgan Gallery
Opening Reception
Thursday, August 28, 2014
6:30-8:00 p.m.; Gallery Talk at 7:00 p.m.
Organized as part of the Wooster Forum 2014: East Asia, this exhibition showcases recent gifts to The College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM) from Jay Gates, Class of 1968.
Over forty Chinese and Japanese objects are included in this exhibition, with the Chinese materials featuring two Han Dynasty (206 BCE–CE 220) cocoon-shaped mortuary vessels, three scholar rocks, and a group of Late Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) Yixing clay teapots. The Japanese materials range in date from the Edo period (1615–1869) to modern day, and include several scroll paintings, a group of Meiji Restoration period (1868–1912) oribe ceramics, and a selection of baskets used for ikebana.
About the Donor
A native of Kansas City and graduate of the College, Jay Gates ’68 studied art history with his Senior Independent Study advisor Arn Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Art History. After leaving Wooster, Gates received an MA in art history from the University of Rochester, and went on to a significant career as a curator and director at a number of major art museums. These include curatorial positions at the Cleveland Museum of Art, The Saint Louis Art Museum, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (where he was also the Assistant Director), and the Spencer Museum of Art. His directorships include those at the Seattle Art Museum, the Dallas Museum of Art, and the Phillips Collection. Gates taught at a number of institutions throughout his career, most recently at Wooster where he taught First Year Seminar and Museum Studies as the Pocock Family Distinguished Visiting Professor. Gates gave this group of Chinese and Japanese materials to the CWAM in honor of Arn and Beth Lewis.
Selections from PROJECT 35 VOLUMES 1 & 2
Sussel Gallery
PROJECT 35 is an ongoing dialogue between curators and artists where single-channel videos are selected by 35 international curators, with each curator choosing one contemporary work by an artist that they consider important for global audiences to experience today.
The CWAM presents three videos selected from PROJECT 35 VOLUMES 1 & 2, that investigate East Asian identity, history, and performance. Featured artists are: Chen Zhou (China) selected by Philip Tinari (United States/China); Park Chan-Kyong (South Korea) selected by Sun Jung Kim (South Korea); and Yukihiro Taguchi (Japan/Germany) selected by Mami Kataoka (Japan).
PROJECT 35 VOLUMES 1 & 2 are traveling exhibitions produced by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York. The exhibitions are made possible, in part, by grants from the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, and the Robert Lehman Foundation; the ICI Board of Trustees; and donors to ICI’s Access Fund.
Visit Current exhibitions on the CWAM’s website for more information about ART OF CHINA AND JAPAN and PROJECT 35.